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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stop the senceless murders

Zuma blame everybody but himself.


President Jacob Zuma once again refuses to take responsibility or any accountability for Xenophobic attacks during past few weeks.

In a speech that he delivered on Freedom day, he blamed the violence and xenophobic attacks on “Apartheid” and the colonialism in South Africa which ended more than 20 years ago; he also laid the blame at the door of neighbouring countries, blaming them for allowing their people to come to South Arica.

The lack of ability to take responsibility is a clear sign of his inability to lead the country away from violence and into a united nation that can build South Africa and her economy, to eradicate the poverty.

He further stated that the man that was killed in Johannesburg was an illegal immigrant. This statement gave me the feeling that he agree with the xenophobic attacks as long as the person killed has no papers, as long as the person is illegal in the country.

I have a problem with the contradiction in the above statements; his sentiment is with the violence although he blames it on the previous dispensation in South Africa. The questions that keep knocking on my mind are;

How can this country become peaceful while the president refuses to condemn murders in the country, while the president led in violence?

How can a country provide security for investors and business people if the president makes excuses for people that commit violent crimes?

How can we eradicate poverty in our beloved country while the president promotes strikes and violence?

He then continues with his speech honouring the South Africans that died during the xenophobic attacks, as if the foreigners have attacked our people and these people died defending their belongings, as if these people were ordered by government to march up and defend the country.
Or did they? 

How can the president defy the laws of the country?

How can the president promote vigilantes to run free, to kill those that they do not agree with?
How can our president enforce the law, if he has no respect for it himself?


On the same day Julius Malema leader of the EFF sang “kiss the boer” before he told the followers that came for the food, to end the white ownership of property.  He continues to say that they must take the land back.

Clearly this is a call for more violence in a country where 7000 farmers have been brutally raped tortured and murdered since the ANC came to power. In a country that has the highest murder rate in the world.  In a country where the murder rate compares with war stricken countries in the world.

This irresponsible leadership is unacceptable, where leaders call on mob mentality like crime lords.

Where they lead without consequences


We as a white and black community demand that you stop the murders stop the violent crimes, stop ignoring the facts, stop blaming others.  Become responsible leaders, leaders that care about the people they lead.


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