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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Conspiracy or stupidity

Conspiracy or stupidity


With violence riddling the streets of the once beautiful South Africa with Xenophobia, with senseless murders of White Farmers and widespread black on black murders in the poverty stricken areas, with a government blaming everybody but themselves, the poverty increase and jobs are lost daily.

Investors are withdrawing their investments, and companies move out of the range of violent strikes during wage negotiations. Neighbouring countries recall their ambassadors in protest against the Xenophobic attacks on their citizens, their protest can be well founded if the history that passed the black censor pen of the ANC , come to the foreground,  in the fact that the same people that assist the ANC to end apartheid is the people now slayed in the streets. One look at the farm murders 7000 since 1994, where farmers are raped mutilated and killed for a few Rand left in their wallets; we see the brutal murders in the townships where political supporters kill supporters of other beliefs. But then your eyes turn across the burning tyres, the bodies and grieving families and come to rest on the man that lead these people in silence, a silence that sound like approval, you see the man that needs to clinch to his position as president to avoid criminal prosecution for his criminal activities under the protection of voters that believed and still believe that he will save them from poverty. As my eyes rest on the pathetic figure through the thick smoke and blood stained windows of farmers and black townships the once important question of competency become a new question of conspiracy a question of greed and power.

My mind entangle in the soviet like story told by events following each other to create total chaos in the streets, events that spell the possible end of freedom by the same people who shed blood to achieve it over the years, I see the celebration of freedom day from behind the bars needed to protect the citizens against uncontrollable crime, the celebrations of peace while leaders shed the blame onto anyone but themselves, words that justify the killing of a foreigner in Johannesburg because his immigration papers were not in order. I listen to the words that condemn and justify in the same sentence, words that contradict each other to stimulate the dangerous mob mentality.  The questions in my mind want to prove that stupidity is the cause but the reality forces me to ask the question differently. Through the thick smoke I can see the man with the red beret his left hand clinch to the machete, under his red overall, that want to slice through the last strings that keep the state governable, the words coming from his mouth condemn the violence, his sentence does not stop there it continue with the description of the forceful removal of white supremacy, the destruction of history. His words excite the rent a crowd that he promised food if they listen to him. They all dance as he sings “kiss the Boer” the excitement drive them to believe, to the believe that they can take what they need from the white citizens, they believe that their poverty is no more, that the food he fed them the words of encouragement to violence solved the poverty. But as they leave and drive to their government created shacks they must realise that there is no work tomorrow, that there is no money coming in.

My mind slip to the laughing man in parliament as opposition leaders condemn his actions, as they accuse him of misconduct and I cannot help to replace the question of stupidity with a question of planned stupidity. We are waiting for his response for his explanation but he talked in riddles he remain silent. 

We witnessed the petition of farmers, the cry from social media to stop the killing, but he remains silent. We see how students try to antagonise white people by breaking down all the historical monuments but he remains silent. When the xenophobic attacks break out we wait for his response but he only respond days later with not much more that silence.

The new question that sings round my ears is; how can you become lifelong president? In my quest for an answer my eyes turn to the fastest declining economy in the decade, I see Mugabe with gold on his fingers, I see how the people in his country fled to South Africa to find means to feed their family, where the Zimbabwe Dollar has become cheaper than toilette paper and I wonder if this answer my question, I wonder if the instability in the country contributed to his long term of presidency.

If this is the truth then I wonder if Julius Malema and Jacob Zuma are not working together, if their master plan does not involve instability, if the silence of our President is not a quiet approval of his once close comrade Julius.

So the question remain, do they destroy the country and her economy due to stupidity or is it a conspiracy?


Willie Beetge 

Stop the senceless murders

Zuma blame everybody but himself.


President Jacob Zuma once again refuses to take responsibility or any accountability for Xenophobic attacks during past few weeks.

In a speech that he delivered on Freedom day, he blamed the violence and xenophobic attacks on “Apartheid” and the colonialism in South Africa which ended more than 20 years ago; he also laid the blame at the door of neighbouring countries, blaming them for allowing their people to come to South Arica.

The lack of ability to take responsibility is a clear sign of his inability to lead the country away from violence and into a united nation that can build South Africa and her economy, to eradicate the poverty.

He further stated that the man that was killed in Johannesburg was an illegal immigrant. This statement gave me the feeling that he agree with the xenophobic attacks as long as the person killed has no papers, as long as the person is illegal in the country.

I have a problem with the contradiction in the above statements; his sentiment is with the violence although he blames it on the previous dispensation in South Africa. The questions that keep knocking on my mind are;

How can this country become peaceful while the president refuses to condemn murders in the country, while the president led in violence?

How can a country provide security for investors and business people if the president makes excuses for people that commit violent crimes?

How can we eradicate poverty in our beloved country while the president promotes strikes and violence?

He then continues with his speech honouring the South Africans that died during the xenophobic attacks, as if the foreigners have attacked our people and these people died defending their belongings, as if these people were ordered by government to march up and defend the country.
Or did they? 

How can the president defy the laws of the country?

How can the president promote vigilantes to run free, to kill those that they do not agree with?
How can our president enforce the law, if he has no respect for it himself?


On the same day Julius Malema leader of the EFF sang “kiss the boer” before he told the followers that came for the food, to end the white ownership of property.  He continues to say that they must take the land back.

Clearly this is a call for more violence in a country where 7000 farmers have been brutally raped tortured and murdered since the ANC came to power. In a country that has the highest murder rate in the world.  In a country where the murder rate compares with war stricken countries in the world.

This irresponsible leadership is unacceptable, where leaders call on mob mentality like crime lords.

Where they lead without consequences


We as a white and black community demand that you stop the murders stop the violent crimes, stop ignoring the facts, stop blaming others.  Become responsible leaders, leaders that care about the people they lead.